“All relaxation does is allow the truth to be felt. The mind is cleared, like a dirty window wiped clean, and the magnitude of what we might ordinarily take for granted inspires tears.” ― Jay Michaelson
Restorative Yoga with Ayuvedic Pichu
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Gifft Hill School Great Room
St. John, USVI
The beauty of Restorative Yoga is that there is no muscular contraction involved. We believe we have to "work" to increase flexibility, but often we achieve more opening in parts of the body that we perceive as tight by softening and relaxing than through an active asana practice. During a restorative yoga sequence, you still stretch, but you relax fully in the stretch so that tension can slowly be released. By its very nature, the restorative yoga practice is the antithesis of the “no-pain-no-gain” mentality. You receive the greatest benefits from your practice not through forcing yourself into a pose, but by releasing and surrendering to it. Ayurvedic Pichu is done at the end of the workshop during savasana. A blend of ayurvedic oils are gently massaged on the forehead (3rd eye) and wrapped in a warm cloth. It settles your mind and allows you to go deeper into relaxation.